I'm a big fan of glitter and partyware. Anything that is shiny and fancy.
I started making headbands, Arts and crafts when I was a high school student.
I majored in classic opera. I did not major in any sore of design, but always had a passion in design & pattern making. My Stepping Stone and motivation was my niece.
I get this see her once every 2 years and everytime my sister send me the photo of her growing up it makes me want to be part of her life eventhough she is half way across the world.
Instead of Buying somthing nice for my niece, i made a headband as a gift also it was kind of a test-run as well.
afterwards this motivated me to go even further and create accessories for our friends and their children. I've received a lots of praising from people who saw my creation and told me to open an online store. i supplied baby shower, Princess theme birthday party,Halloween Party and etc.

This job has been a dream come true and I am very grateful to work and do what I love. It is a lot of fun and a true blessing for me.

More Crowns, Party Supplies, Cake Toppers
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